CleverPet logo

is an open source library
for teaching animals
to play electronic games.

Get Started

Quickly customize, build, and share easy-to-code games

for your dog or cat.

If you have (1) a dog or cat to train, and (2) a CleverPet Hub, hackerpet will let you let you design and deploy games in minutes.

Build on Particle

As a Particle Library, HackerPet harnesses the full power of the Particle Platform.

Start training today

CleverPet's training curriculum is open and free to use. Discover the untapped potential of the dog or cat you've been living with.

Track all the data

Integrates instantly with Google Sheets, letting you analyze using platforms like
Google Data Studio and Tableau.

Converting your Hub is easy

  1. Put a new Particle Photon (with header!) in your Hub
  2. Install the hackerpet library
  3. Begin training your dog (or cat!) with more than a dozen new games
Want to undo it? Just swap back in the board you removed.

Instantly record how they're doing

Every game in the hackerpet library can send your player's data to a Google Sheet you own.

Instantly record how they're doing

Every game in the hackerpet library will record and send your player's data to a Google Sheet you own.

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